
Jerry Gaines
INCLINER (in * klin `er) n. [L. inclinaire, fr. in- + clinaire to bend, to lean] 1. one who has an attitude toward a particular opinion or inter-pretation 2. anyone showing openness and receptivity to what is seen or heard 3. a deviant from the straight and narrow 4. one who is inclined to suspend scientific skepticism in favor of poetic or imaginative interpretations 5. a hunchback swayed by the unbearable heaviness of being 6. a lazy skateboard or rollerblade enthusiast who likes to coast 7. one who projects headlong with few doubts about the propriety of corporate careerism 8. one who succumbs to nostalgia for the bygone days of the Mt. Adams Incline 9. a sloping line that forms an oblique angle with the horizontal axis e.g., the capital letter A 10. a line of ink used by graphic designers to connect the downtown skyline to nearby real estate developments in Mt. Adams 11. a mind metaphysically swayed by the intentional structures of consciousness described in Husserlian phenomenology 12. an entire body politic poised precariously on the brink of environmental disaster 13. a frustrated activist, not broken but badly bent